... if you read this blog, could you please let me know? It's not that I want to check my popularity, but just that as few people leave comments, I have no way to know if I am read at all. Because if I'm not, there's no point in publishing my little stories online :)
Il paraît que je suis sarcastique... Ca me ferait rire!
People tell me I'm sarcastic... hahaha!
People tell me I'm sarcastic... hahaha!
mardi 18 décembre 2007
au fait
si vous lisez ce blog, pourriez-vous me le faire savoir, d'une façon ou d'une autre..? Pas que je fasse une crise d'ego, mais comme peu de gens laissent des commentaires, je ne sais pas si je suis lue ou pas. Parce que si pas, ben c'est pas la peine que je publie mes histoires dans le vide :)
merci beaucoup
merci beaucoup
Hearing the dreadful wintery word, we start shivering with remembered pain and apprehension, as if thinking of it was enough to make it happen; scary images of an intense relationship with our bathroom and affairs with our bed haunt our minds... Gastroenteritis!!! Vade Retro Satanas!!
But this is a rather unfair judgement we pass onto this form of modern witchcraft... Gastroenteritis can be loads of fun..
First of all, it takes us into an unexpected exploration of our body. We discover the twists and turns of our bowels, we learn about the timing of the different steps of the digestion process, we are reminded of the exact location of our stomach, we are realise that our body is, indeed, three-dimensional, and that, making the most of it, it firmly planted the small intestine in a place where we would have imagined kidneys.
Besides, it allows us to go back to essentials, encouraging meditative asceticism. There is nothing like eating plain rice and unsweetened yoghurt exclusively for a whole week to prompt up a deep reflexion on our condition of whimsical consumers.
Our relation with our direct environment is also altered. It's the perfect occasion to get back in touch with our sofa, which is more than ready to welcome our horizontality! And, lying there, head tilted in an unusual position, we can finally read the edges of all the books that decorate the shelf. We never go any further than the edge, though, because after two pages, the eyes just fall off, but then is the time to make peace with the child in us, and to realise that two-hour afternoon naps after late morning snoozes aren't the privilege of toddlers.
But, above all, gastroenteritis is a form of body art. The skin becomes a rainbow against the depressing greyness of December. Look at that translucent and immaculate shade of white your face takes on! But then, a little temperature, and your cheeks are flustered into a sweet pink, your eyes have little stars in them, and they are neatly underlined by a blue-dark grey-black crescent. After a few days, the spotless white disappears to reveal a yellow colour chart, a little ball of sunshine in the dull winter, and your hair takes on an original hue, between dark beige and dead wood brown. The hands and the feet, not always covered by the blanket, harmoniously punctuate the body with a touch of purple, and the delicate pink palimpsest of the nails subtly reminds us of the pills which behold us from the coffee table!
THANK YOU, gastroenteritis, thank you ever so much!
But this is a rather unfair judgement we pass onto this form of modern witchcraft... Gastroenteritis can be loads of fun..
First of all, it takes us into an unexpected exploration of our body. We discover the twists and turns of our bowels, we learn about the timing of the different steps of the digestion process, we are reminded of the exact location of our stomach, we are realise that our body is, indeed, three-dimensional, and that, making the most of it, it firmly planted the small intestine in a place where we would have imagined kidneys.
Besides, it allows us to go back to essentials, encouraging meditative asceticism. There is nothing like eating plain rice and unsweetened yoghurt exclusively for a whole week to prompt up a deep reflexion on our condition of whimsical consumers.
Our relation with our direct environment is also altered. It's the perfect occasion to get back in touch with our sofa, which is more than ready to welcome our horizontality! And, lying there, head tilted in an unusual position, we can finally read the edges of all the books that decorate the shelf. We never go any further than the edge, though, because after two pages, the eyes just fall off, but then is the time to make peace with the child in us, and to realise that two-hour afternoon naps after late morning snoozes aren't the privilege of toddlers.
But, above all, gastroenteritis is a form of body art. The skin becomes a rainbow against the depressing greyness of December. Look at that translucent and immaculate shade of white your face takes on! But then, a little temperature, and your cheeks are flustered into a sweet pink, your eyes have little stars in them, and they are neatly underlined by a blue-dark grey-black crescent. After a few days, the spotless white disappears to reveal a yellow colour chart, a little ball of sunshine in the dull winter, and your hair takes on an original hue, between dark beige and dead wood brown. The hands and the feet, not always covered by the blanket, harmoniously punctuate the body with a touch of purple, and the delicate pink palimpsest of the nails subtly reminds us of the pills which behold us from the coffee table!
THANK YOU, gastroenteritis, thank you ever so much!
Maudite gastro-entérite?
Quand on entend "gastro", on pense tout de suite, avec douleur et un peu de crainte, comme si le simple fait de penser à la maladie pouvait suffire à la provoquer, on pense tout de suite, donc, à une intense relation avec sa salle de bains, perturbée uniquement par des aventures avec son lit...
Mais c'est là un mauvais procès qu'on fait à cette virose de nos hivers, sorcière des temps modernes! La gastro a PLEIN de bons côtés...
Déjà, on apprend plein de choses sur soi-même en un voyage sensoriel inattendu. On découvre tous les méandres que décrivent nos intestins dans notre ventre, on prend conscience du temps des différentes étapes de la digestion, on redécouvre l'emplacement exact de notre estomac, on s'amuse de constater que, le corps étant vraiment bien fait, il exploite à fond son aspect tri-dimensionnel en ancrant l'intestin grêle là on aurait plutôt imaginé des reins.
Ensuite, c'est une belle leçon de simplicité, qui invite à la méditation dans l'ascétisme. Rien de tel qu'une semaine au riz blanc et au yaourt nature au bifidus pour prendre un peu de recul par rapport à notre mode de vie épicurien.
Notre rapport à notre environnement direct change, aussi. C'est l'occasion rêvée de reprendre contact avec son canapé, qui nous accueille aussi bien couchés qu'assis, finalement. Et ainsi couché, la tête dans une inclinaison peu commune, on peut enfin lire toutes les tranches des livres qui ornent l'étagère du salon. Certes, on s'arrête aux tranches, parce qu'au bout de deux pages, les yeux tombent, mais là, on en profite pour retrouver un peu l'enfant qui est en nous, et se rendre compte qu'il n'y a pas qu'entre six mois et un an et demi qu'on peut faire de très longues siestes l'après-midi, même si on a déjà fait un somme dans la matinée.
Mais surtout, surtout, la gastro, c'est du body art! C'est ton visage qui se transforme en palette du peintre dans le gris dégueulasse de décembre. Observez le blanc presque translucide que prend votre frimousse pendant les premières heures... Ariel Liquide en serait jaloux!! Et puis là, accès de fièvre, les joues se teintent d'un rose un peu brillant, les yeux sont magnifiés, soulignés par un bleu-gris-noir intense en demi-lune. Au bout de quelques jours, le blanc immaculé du début laisse place à un camaïeu de jaunes qui sont autant de sources de lumière, et les cheveux prennent une couleur originale à mi-chemin entre le beige foncé et le brun bois mort. Les mains et les pieds, qui dépassent un peu de la couverture, terminent harmonieusement le corps d'une belle nuance violacée, avec mention spéciale pour les ongles qui jouent la superposition de couches mauves, élégante référence aux cachets de spasfon qui nous regardent depuis la table basse.
Alors, oui, vraiment, MERCI la gastro!!
dimanche 9 décembre 2007
When I become u, nothing makes sense anymore
Dear you,
It was such a pleasure to walk this happy mule up the hull in your company the other day. When we got to the puke, my heart felt punk inside, and I really wanted to declare my bug love to you, but I couldn't.
Everytime I see you, I feel little puns in my stomach. You make me forget my shopping lust, you make me muss the train... I think about you all the time, and even if a voice in my mund keeps saying "tut, tut, tut", you're such a hut that not being with you makes me suck.
So that's it, I'd like to try my luck on you, and invite you out. I'd be happy to buy you a drunk one of these. A gun with you would send my duck flying, and if you're on the pull, I think I'll haul a cab and bring you home to try some of my trucks on you...
I hope this maul won't end up in a bun, it would hurt my prude.
It was such a pleasure to walk this happy mule up the hull in your company the other day. When we got to the puke, my heart felt punk inside, and I really wanted to declare my bug love to you, but I couldn't.
Everytime I see you, I feel little puns in my stomach. You make me forget my shopping lust, you make me muss the train... I think about you all the time, and even if a voice in my mund keeps saying "tut, tut, tut", you're such a hut that not being with you makes me suck.
So that's it, I'd like to try my luck on you, and invite you out. I'd be happy to buy you a drunk one of these. A gun with you would send my duck flying, and if you're on the pull, I think I'll haul a cab and bring you home to try some of my trucks on you...
I hope this maul won't end up in a bun, it would hurt my prude.
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